Dosages and routes of administration are different for each woman.  A full individual assessment is an essential step in prescribing.

During an assessment many factors are taken into consideration:


-risk factors

-severity of symptoms.

The important thing is that current guidelines are very clear on using the lowest dose of HRT that will control your symptoms. Therefore before increasing doses we need to be sure that  a symptom is caused by hormonal deficiency and not something else.

It also essential that increasing oestrogen dose is done in parallel to an increased  dose of progesterone which is essential to protect the womb from uterine cancer.

The recent trend of prescribing  really high doses of oestrogen without any solid evidence has brought the British menopause society to make a statement on the issue:

Read the full statement here:

Make sure your medical professional explains all these risks to you when prescribing HRT and your dose is always increased slowly and gradually.