Category: Understanding the Menopause


Menopause happens when your ovaries start working less and then eventually stop working altogether. One of the main functions of the ovaries is to produce hormones in particularly oestrogen. You always will have some levels of circulating oestrogens even when menopause has occurred but it will be less then what you used to have.

This is the clue of the problem as oestrogens have a lot of beneficial effects on your body and not having them anymore can cause lot of symptoms and problems.

Not all women experience symptoms. Some women will have a more gradual transition and might not have any issue at all. We are all different and every woman will have a different experience.

Changes in periods will normally happen in the time leading up to menopause and they eventually will stop.


One of the most common myths around menopause is that it will last a short period of time and then it will be over.
Most women talk about being through and done with it. Let’s clear this out:
-PERIMENOPAUSE  is the leading time to the end of your ovarian function. It can last from 2 to 15 years. This is the time when most women experience transition symptoms like hot flashes and mood changes.
-MENOPAUSE  is the period of your life from when your ovarian functions declines till the end of your life.
The rest of your life after menopause will hopefully be a long wonderful time but there are health problems associated with ageing that you can reduce if you are careful about your health.


This is one of the most common questions  I get asked by patient. Diagnosing menopause can be tricky because it is a gradual process. Contrary to common belief it is not possible to do a blood test to tell you if you are starting menopause or not. Changes in blood levels will only be evident after menopause has happened and that is not very helpful because the vast majority of women will have symptoms well before that stage. In medical terms we call this a retrospective diagnosis.

What we do instead is look at a woman’s symptoms and age. Listening to symptoms is enough in the vast majority of cases to make this diagnosis easily.

You really should not worry about pinpointing the exact time of going through the transition but you should worry instead about how the process is affecting your health and quality of life.


Deciding what to do in menopause depends on many things.
For some women symptoms have a big impact on their quality of life and for some other women the transition is seems very easy. We are all different and that is why an individual approach is required.
Whatever the symptoms need treatment or not has to be your decision.
If you decide that your symptoms are not significant you still need to consider what impact menopause has on your health and how are you going to ensure your well being in older years.
Menopause affects your bone and cardiovascular health. There are many ways to look after your bones and heart and making your health plan means to find out which one is the best for you.

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