Category: Homepage News


I recently went home to visit my parents in Milan and found myself joining a Sunday morning exercise class with some old friends.
It was very enjoyable despite the heat and during a break a friend asked a few questions on vaginal dryness which was tormenting her. We started chatting about vaginal problems in menopause and I was giving her my best advice on what to do.
As we were chatting I realised that many of the other women (we were all of that age) were trying to listen and the chat become a lively group discussion. They were all keen on getting information and they all admitted to be plagued by the same problem.
I was quite surprised as I thought that Italian women would be normally be more open in relation to sexual issues. I turned out that when it comes to vaginal dryness and menopause even in Italy women are not happy to discuss it openly (apart from that protected environment) as it is embarrassing to admit that you have reached that stage.
So my message to all menopausal women is:
* You are not alone. We all have the same problem and we should not be afraid to discuss it and get advice
* Vaginal dryness is caused by the lack of oestrogen in menopause and it causes discomfort and painful sex
* This problem is treatable and there are new very effective remedies like vaginal laser that can greatly improve your quality of life
* Talk to your gynaecologist for advice and when you get better share your knowledge with your friends so we can eliminate this taboo

Treating vaginal symptoms can involve HRT but it can also be done without it.

Options without systemic HRT are:

-localised (vaginal) oestrogen. Using local oestrogen does not affect you risk of breast cancer or any other systemic disease.

-using proper lubricants. Silicone based ones are a better options.

-laser treatment. A non invasive non surgical approach to improve the quality of your vaginal tissue.

for more info :



If you have a lot of weight to loose and you have not managed to solve this problem by menopause age you need to come up with an effective solution.
For many women time passes by while we tell ourselves:
“I should eat more healthily”
“I should exercise more”
The bottom line is that no changes happen and you find yourself stuck in the same place.

The first thing for a plan to be effective is to write it down. Decide what you are going to change (usually I suggest to start with diet rather than exercise) and write down a reasonable plan that you are going to review after 30 days.Whatever plan you decide to follow you need accountability and that is why the review in 30 days is essential. Telling yourself that you are doing well is useless if there is no measurable progress.I will write more in future on what I think is the best way to loose weight but you need to start somewhere so make your own choice but set a goal for 30 days later and then reconsider your plan.

After 30 days you need to ask yourself:

Has it worked?
Have you achieved any improvement?

If you haven’t then the diet plan you have picked is not for you. Was it too hard to follow? Was it too vague on quantities and calories?

Whatever the problem was you need to change it. You might at this stage need some expert advice and there are plenty of professional offers out there. Don’t be shy. Very few people can do this alone.

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